Asset Management Software for Schools

Asset Management Software for Schools

Ensure the availability and usability of school assets with the implementation of effective school asset management software.

Robust asset management is considered a best practice, whichever sector you operate in. It is equally important in schools that house various Assets of different sizes and kinds across different locations.

Assets in the education sector are prone to continuous changes due to purchases, movements, and disposal during an academic term. Therefore, it is crucial to keep track of these variations.

As mentioned earlier, it is not just the quantity but the variety of items that educational institutes have to contend with. The diversity of Educational Assets requires a well-grounded asset management system that monitors the entire Asset portfolio of a school.

The Benefits of Implementing Asset Management Solutions in Schools and Education Facilities

Implementing asset management in schools enables school asset managers, administrators, and teachers to ensure the availability of assets to each student and member of staff. By choosing the right asset management tool, primary or secondary schools are able to maximize the usability of assets that are crucial for day-to-day operations.

The Benefits of Implementing Asset Management in Schools

  • Improve the Accuracy of Record Keeping

    The amount of paperwork required to track equipment, documents, and records throughout school grounds can be overwhelming. But, the right school asset management tool can provide the features necessary to build a central data repository for all essential assets. This is also crucial for protecting and backing-up data in case of fire or damage, which can destroy a paper-based asset management system and lead to complications and delays when it comes to filing insurance claims.

  • Avoid Spending on Duplicate Assets

    Having access to the school’s asset management software for schools can reduce spending on equipment that is already available. For instance, a teacher may request that their classroom needs more chairs. But, by looking at the data, they’re able to see a number of chairs not being used in another department. Instead of purchasing more chairs, they can relocate them from one department to another, where they can be of more use.

  • Stick to Budgets by Accurately Tracking Spending

    By using the right tools, schools are able to manage and track spending requests of each faculty department. This can be a request such as trays and cutlery from the school cafe, or for more books and desktops from library staff. Whatever the requirement, these requests need to be aligned with the budget set by the Department of Education or the local district.

  • Reduce the Risk of Theft or Stolen Assets

    As school operations need to be aligned with a strict budget, replacing lost and stolen assets can become a financial headache. However, by utilising a school asset management’s tracking and tagging features, theft of crucial educational assets can be reduced. For instance,  if a classroom projector cannot be located, teachers can check the data and see where it was last seen and who it was last used by.

  • Reduce the Amount of Manual Asset Audits

    With access to a real-time asset register, staff are able to know the location and quantity of equipment available to them. This means the constant need for manual audits of assets, which require a lot of time and resources, are no longer needed.

The Importance of Using Asset Management Software for Schools

The purpose of implementing an asset management solution in primary schools, secondary schools, and other education facilities is to:

  • Maximize and track the usability of school equipment
  • Ensure the availability of assets such as laptops and science equipment to students and teachers
  • Make sure the equipment needed to run the school is always in working condition
  • Achieve effective management of a school’s entire inventory in a cost-effective way

Supercharge your administrative effectiveness

AssetTrack FAMS acts as a checkout system for your loaned equipment. Increase your accountability and efficiency by tracking the assets you loan to students and faculty, while preventing thefts and losses.

Catalogue Everything

From computers and calculators to books, Asset management software for schools lets you store & access all your asset information instantly using your existing work-flows.Do all this from your mobile phone, no extra hardware needed.

Why Use AsseTrack at your school?

  • Easy to use mobile system
  • A simple and cost effective solution
  • Extensive documentation makes it easy to learn & teach others
  • Scan RFID tags, barcodes, and QR codes effortlessly

How Can We Use it?

  • Alerts & Reminders boost accountability
  • Set-up and manage maintenance schedules & create systems to ensure they’re followed
  • Set access levels to delegate different school branches and departments
  • Lower maintenance costs by incorporating preventive maintenance

Customize everything to meet your unique needs